OK my first blog! I've been meaning to re-start my diary since I was about 16 (only a few years ago!) to keep a record of my highly exciting life until I realised it wasn't that exciting! Nonetheless, I thought a blog may keep a record of my goings-on.
My name is Elaine McGeachy, a married teacher living in Campbeltown in the Mull of Kintyre, Scotland and loving it. I love my job, I love fitness and running and I love to travel. I hope to document some of my travels over the summer on here :-)
Why littlemissOCD? I'm rubbish with making up names and elainemcgeachy was taken!! I'm not creative. But I do suffer from OCD mainly with work but with fitness too! I am organised and I like to be organised. And I love organising. Period. I'm sure my friends and family will tell you that it's one of my most celebrated and annoying habits. In addition, with my fitness I have to do certain mileages or complete certain goals in time periods before I allow myself some 'active rest' rewards. For example, I HAVE to do a certain amount of miles each day of the week whilst running especially if training for an event like a marathon (see pic below of my first, completed (long story!) London marathon which I loved). I'll bore you all with the details of this later in my blogs! Also, for example, I could never just swim 62 lengths of the pool if it was closing - I would BEG the lifeguards to let me do 2 more to allow my 64 target on a Wednesday. This has now crept up to 80 on a Friday morning. Anyone to suggest that I miss my swim in the morning if I'm exhausted and have had hardly any sleep (i.e. my long time suffering husband Stuart) is likely to be met with a mouthful of abuse. Apologies!! Crazy to most, normal life for me!
Today, I have completed my 80 length swim before work this morning and it's the END OF TERM!! Happy days!! OK the Scottish summer weather of wind, rain and mist has kicked in but I do not care. I'm off to the Royal Hotel for lunch with some of my lovely colleagues to celebrate being the start of the school holidays and say farewell to Chris Ashall and Margaret Smith who are retiring today - you will both be missed!
And The Blog Begins!