It's been glorious weather in Kintyre over the Easter school holidays which has been fantastic but unfortunately for us, we were struck down by a sickness bug. The first I think I've ever had and boy was I absolutely devastated! I am the definition of impatient and I am a BAD patient. I just wanted fixed immediately!! Although the nausea has dissipated, the after effects of stomach cramps and tiredness remains even after a few weeks. It made our trip to Morocco less enjoyable than we had planned and made me even grumpier - poor Stuart! Therefore, still affecting Arran-man training too.
I tried not to let the bug spoil my holiday completely and managed to pack a lot in... and I managed to cycle around Arran (56 miles... with a coffee and lunch stop!) and did 1 open water swim session which has put me at ease a little. It wasn't easy but I coped with it so I'm hoping that my half-ironman challenge in 7 weeks is still a possibility. With mokrun planning, supported study, a fun activity packed hen weekend, fizz filled friend wedding and a trip abroad, I tried to do some relaxing over the holidays too but I found it difficult. I know - I'm weird! Forced to 'rest' whilst ill I felt compulsive to run whilst in Marrakech which probably just knackered me out more and didn't help the recovery. I did finally get some time to read a book though as well as play some tennis and do some yoga. Hurrah!
Despite the bug, there have been some holiday highlights -
Our friends Peter and Louise got hitched at Stonefield Castle - a fantastic day |
A token swim in our hotel pool to cool off from the hot sun |
Crazy day trip to Marrakech! |