Despite having a wee holiday to Prague (woo hoo!), I've managed to keep up some form of training and keep a relative track of my diet... although I would rather forget some of it... when on holiday, I always treat myself - you've got to! In a different format below I hope it hides the amount I've consumed.....
I had hoped to run at half marathon pace on Saturday morning with the club but the wind was howling and for the first 5 miles it was in my face, pushing me back with every step. I didn't stop though and put in effort making it round 13.1 miles in 1 hour 51. 5 minutes off a PB time but enough to feel a little pain. I was grateful to Jen for hanging around for me at the end to make it up to 16 miles. It felt good to get another long run in before we headed on our travels. By the time we got to Lochgilphead only a few hours later (and after breakfast) I was starving again and my friend Julie soon sorted that out with a large helping of pasta and pizza - thanks Jules! Food and more food was the order of the day and we met up with Joanne for her birthday and some of our other best friends at Chinaskis at Charing Cross for some chick-pea curry. It was delicious but it still didn't satisfy my hunger.... thank goodness for Lorna's baking skills! We were treated to not only home made chocolate cake but shortbread too, thanks Mrs MacKay-to-be that finally fulfilled my hunger pangs and I settled into a great sleep without her cute kitten Olly jumping on our feet like we imagined.

We then walked over the wonderful Charles Bridge with all it's fascinating monuments, statues and traders then 'hiked' up the big hill to the Cathedral and Prague Castle where you get unspoiled views across the city. It was perfect timing to see the city at dusk as the sun was going down, crowds dispersing and lights were starting to shine.
We arrived home to our hotel, weary after a day of travelling and walking, only to find a bottle of champagne and a glass of strawberries in our room courtesy of the Hotel - bliss! Intentions of going to the Hotel gym were immediately forgotten. We enjoyed a lovely Italian meal at a nearby restaurant for dinner a few hours later - spaghetti with meatballs then tiramasu and Stuart went for his old favourite - Picante Pizza and of course some Czeck beers. I had my heart set on beef goulash but there wasn't any left on the menu - gutted! Although the delicious spaghetti and garlic foccaccia made up for it. We also stopped by at the Billa supermarket on our way home for some Milka chocolate - it's our holiday, don't judge ;-)
The next morning we got a lovely breakfast at the hotel - lots of fruit, yoghurt, toast and a warm croissant with jam. There were plenty of hot food on the menu but we refrained for the day as we had a big run ahead. Yip, I had gone and booked as a 'Running Tour' of the city. I had been searching for running routes nearby as was keen to keep up my marathon training whilst away and came across where you could pick different running routes and tours with an English speaking guide. Martin, our 30 year old friendly running tour guide, met us at our hotel and we had opted for a 15k route out of the city. It was fantastic. He explained where we were going and started off with our first target - the 9 metre equestrian bronze statue of Jan Zizka (the one-eyed leader of the Hossite army) at the top of Vitkov Hill that towered over the city - so much for a flat run! He then took us along the river bank, through beautiful parks and back into the Old Town.
Along the banks of the river
Crossing the river from Prague Zoo back towards the Old Town
Through one of the many beautiful parks
Martin spoke excellent English and as we jogged along he chatted away about the city's fascinating communist history, pointed out places of interest and about his iron-man training. We ran slowly as we were joined by another runner on the tour who was training for her first marathon but it was fine as we got to take in more of the sights and we ended up racking up 11.5 miles before we knew it. We even felt good enough to go to the hotel's gym for 30 minutes before hitting the shower. Food time again!

We had a lovely walk around the New Town and Jewish Quarter before enjoying some Czech beers. I say enjoy, I tried it but I just don't like beer! My husband on the other hand loved them so I settled for a mojito!

Another flight ahead of schedule for Easyjet, I might as well go to spin when I get home then!!
Now I really cannae wait to get to Prague - looks great Elaine tho' we'll be a tad more sedate than you, just walking and chillin'!! :-)