Highlights of the week....
- The Ice Bucket Challenge! Everyone in the world seems to be taking part in this craze. Get drenched in icy water by a 'loving' friend or family member, film it, nominate the next lucky candidate and donate to charity. It's all for good causes, it's great fun ... AND it's good for the muscles ;-) Rab, the chairman of our running club along with 'the General' found this out after our training session on Westport beach on Tuesday by running into the Sea!
- Combat started again this week with a new routine. I've got some new pumping tunes as well as some 'oldies' but I never realised how hard it was until Thursday morning when I was SORE ALL OVER! The new aqualibrium class timetable started this week with LOTS of classes morning, noon and night for all ages and abilities. Brilliant!

- Personal Training - I've now embarked on a new 'career'! Although in my spare time I have helped friends and family in the past become fitter and healthier, I've decided to put my mind to gaining a formal PT qualification and I started with 2 new 'clients' this week who already have shown great progress. It also is such a satisfying and fun 'job'.
- MOKFEST - this year's Mull of Kintyre Music Festival was another success in Campbeltown. Well done all the organisers, pubs and especially musicians for making it an entertaining weekend. We attended the usual Doon the Green and Burnside Bash as well as frequenting a few bars that had live music including Whisky Macs. That was enough for me - a little bit of alcohol and not much sleep lead to me getting the cold come Monday morning. Never again! At least I managed to get a cycle and run on the Sunday morning without too much of a sore head. Happy times with the girls!

- SKSC met to plan their Sports Awards - look out for the nomination forms in the Courier soon and put Saturday 1st November in your diary. I'm sure it will be a great night again to celebrate the sporting achievements of our area. SKSC also kindly donated £100 to the MACC Challenge - our 4 mile obstacle course race in November to raise funds for the Kidney Dialysis Unit in Campbeltown Hospital.
- Book Signing - forced by my publisher to actually do SOMETHING to promote my book School Daze, I will be signing copies at the Old Bookshelf, Campbeltown on Saturday afternoon (30th Aug). Argh - all a bit embarrassing but pop in to put me out my misery if you are about!!
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