Sunday, 22 February 2015

Over indulged...

I've managed to extend my birthday out over the weekend, treating myself to cakes and treats which was so much fun but not as good for the waist line!  The last few weekends have been a total over indulgence too - lots of cocktails, wine and LOTS of rich food and chocolates.  Time for me to get back to normal and eat healthier again.  It not only makes me lighter but makes me feel better too.  Once I'm in a routine, it's fine, I don't miss any of it.  But after over indulging a bit too much I'm going to struggle cutting back.  

The importance of breakfast was discussed (and practiced) in class.... although some banana loaf and pancakes sneaked in there too!
So some simple rules I'm going to try to follow....

  • Brush teeth after meals to take away chocolate craving
  • Eat a sugar free polo mint after meals if wanting something sweet
  • No bread for lunch (or with dinner!)
  • No after dinner treats (a tea biscuit and cup of chai tea is ONLY allowed)
  • No cheese or olive oil midweek
  • Paint nails after dinner to distract form wanting chocolate!
My best friends and family tasting the delicious cocktail treats at Whisky macs.  All in moderation....
I don't diet and I enjoy 'treats' at the weekend and will continue to do so (obviously!) but I need to reign in the treats a bit... just because I ran 16 miles doesn't mean I can eat what I want without consequence unfortunately.  Therefore, it's going to be so hard trying to resist temptation in Italy next week.  All in moderation!

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